In Conversation: Fabrizio Ferracane - Award-Winning Italian Actor
Fabrizio Ferracane is an award-winning Italian actor working in theatre, movie and TV productions. Fabrizio is mainly known for his starring roles in Black Souls (Anime Nere), The Traitor (Il Traditore) and his participation in dozens of critically acclaimed stage productions over the last three decades.
Discover his style and insights within his local neighbourhood in Rome, Italy.

Fabrizio, what's this secret of the Italian lifestyle?
I think we focus more on taste, pleasure and slow life.
And what are the three objects that you always have with you?
Pen and notebook, a picture in my wallet, and my watch.
Who is your inspiration?
My father: a man who based his whole life and his children on studies and knowledge.

What is your local must-go in Rome?
The Tiramisù. This is the name of the place.
Your favourite play?
The one I still have to play in. VITA MIA by Emma Dante.
Do you have a ritual before performing?
To be silent and listen to the silence. I ask the director I work with to give me 5/10 seconds before calling "ACTION"!
What's the best advice you've received?
You can't give up until you've been told 300/350 times "no, thank you. We will let you know".
Is it true that Italians do it better?
No. Everyone has their own way of living.
What made you passionate about acting?
The possibility of becoming another body, having another voice... that is, when I understood the gift of corruption. The transformation and the transfiguration have always fascinated me.
What was the most significant experience of your career?
To play in Anime Nere. I knew that it was finally my turn.